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Showing posts from March, 2019

Armed impressions – My reflections on terrorism, war and realities!

The Pulwama suicide attack which took the lives of 40 of our brave hearts of the CRPF has the entire nation in deep mourning. Not only is there great sadness about the loss of lives but also a great sense of anger. How we channel this mass public anger is very important since rash actions could further exacerbate the situation.  On deeper reflection slowly a feeling of déjà vu started taking over. Feelings which I had not felt for some time came back to me. We have experienced such pain before. This piece is an attempt to capture the feelings one has had at major points of India’s battle with terror. I have also tried to capture my own experiences and observations of the harsh realities faced by soldiers at work and at home. That is, when there is no Pulwama, no air strikes and when the hungry media is chewing some other story to feed its evil, insatiable hunger.     One of the first things of relevance I knew about my family what that my grandfather, Col...