Where are our heroes? (A reflection by Rohan Chand Thakur) In an article titled “Where are their heroes?” (Tribune, 10 th December), Colonel PS Randhawa raised an interesting point about why unlike the army, the bureaucracy (the IAS mainly) does not talk about its heroes. He contrasts his visits to LBSNAA, the National training centre of IAS officers with that to the IMA, the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun. Post this he says there are quite a few career bureaucrats who are potential role models or heroes but yet, why is it that they are “not looked up to or known as heroes”? This question was deeply thought provoking for me. To begin, we need to understand that every act of heroism requires sacrifice. Sacrifice of something that is dear to the individual but has to be given up for the mission/ job at hand for the larger public good. Acts of sacrifice are of different types. At the apex are those acts which involve sacrifice of life. So selfless and pure is this act...
Collection of human experiences.