My first memory of Aneesha is an email I received from her a month before we were to depart for Oxford. It was a group mail asking for mugshot and brief profile which could be shared with the group. I responded. Much to my surprise, I quickly received a follow up mail asking me about what I had studied at St Stephens’ – the same college she had been to although a good 6-7 years before me. I attributed this special interest to the common alma mater we shared. It was only later in Oxford I realised that that was not the case. She took a keen interest to know each and every one of us in the cohort and outside – by investing a bit of time – little by little with everyone. It was this particular characteristic which made her like the common binding glue – cutting across personalities, and glossing over the laughable differences we often sparred over every now and then. We were meant to be on the same train to Oxford but couldn’t spot each other. It was only at the entrance of Pembro...
Collection of human experiences.